if this were the real blog for my "Vintage Whimsy Tour" I'd be writing it from the road after a long day of driving and capturing images (and my pug "Pixie" would be snoring beside me), but instead I'm in the friendly confines of Greenwich Library and the glorious conditioned air it provides.
I spent the early part of my day preparing for the trip by cleaning my desk of EVERYTHING currently atop it and sorting through my closet for items i might need (and might NEVER need again) Although i don't exactly subscribe to the tenet of "if you haven't worn it in 6 months get rid of it", I have come to realize there simply are numerous items in EVERYONE'S closet that are better suited (no pun intended) in the closet of someone less fortunate.
So with a couple hours of "personal logistics" addressed at home, I decided to head into the "office" (read Starbucks) to handle business matters pertaining to the trip like corporate sponsorship and route planning.
Unfortunately Starbucks' business model is seemingly to either freeze you OUT of the store or INTO buying more coffee given the Arctic adjacent air-conditioning, hence my presence in the library (there are also FAR fewer teenage girls shrieking here)
Oh yeah, I also went to view a major commission in the pool house of a client between Starbucks and library so that's kind of important. (see below)
At this point i should probably figure out how to add images to subsequent entries as everyone will be far more interested in the day's images than my pontificating.
T-minus 28* days and counting...
*actual departure date yet to be determined.